Airport Commercial

We always have to be careful when filming near and airport but not when filming an airport commercial. That is what we had to do when Clear Channel reached out to us for this project. The focus of this video was just the airport but what the airport does. It bring you into the into the Mecca of technology at the heart of Silicon Valley. So the video starts off with a sliding shot of the airport. An aerial shot of the city of San Jose followed. On that shot you see the logos of all the areas tech giants. After those exterior establishing shots we headed inside the airport. The goal was to capture a lot of signage. We even setup a time-lapse. To do all of these we went out with two Panasonic 4K GH4 cameras. This airport commercial spot was directed by Blare Films’ Joel Forrest.  Behind one of the cameras was Vince Cosentino.  The rest of the Blare crew did a great job helping out. Our editing team completed the edit. This is not the first time we have made a TV Commercial for a radio station company.  However, this was the first time we had access to an airport. We look forward to doing more videos like these.

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