BBQ Commercial Spot

Westwoods BBQ has quickly become a local favorite and this commercial makes it pretty clear why. Shooting food is usually fun, but when the food is prepared by a team of individuals that is truly passionate about its source and preparation it’s all that much better. Dave Fansler has brought gourmet but affordable food to our area. These two spots show off what that’s all about. These spots were Produced and Directed by Windsong Productions and shot by Kyle Gentz. Our Blare Films’ DP Justin McAleece directed the camera. Our Phoenix team of Ian McAleece, Dave Werner and Albert Fladger filled out the crew nicely. The majority of the footage came from Red Epics using Canon lenses. Check it out, but prepare to get hungry!

There is something to be said for the good times enjoyed by family and friends all across our valley at backyard BBQ’s. We love our BBQ and the valley farmland that produces so much that goes onto our table. We celebrate this local spirit here at Westwood

Learn more about Westwoods by going visiting their website. Click Here